Advent fundraising for Iraqi returnees yields 15M forints

Advent fundraising for Iraqi returnees yields 15M forints

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Translation: Klara Balicza
The Bishops Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary (ELCH) initiated a fundraising campaign to support internally displaced Iraqi refugees in returning to their homes.

As a result of the campaign, congregations donated over 8.5 million HUF; the rest of the contribution was covered from the central ELCH budget. The 15 million donation will enable the reconstruction of 10 family houses in Bashiqa, near Mosul. 

The fundraising is part of the Hungary Helps Initiative run jointly by the ecumenical aid organization Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Hungarian Government. The aid program focuses at assisting the return of predominantly Christian families to their homes and the re-establishment of their lives in the war-torn region of Mosul and its vicinity. 

The HIA has recently opened a Returnee Support Center in Bashiqa to coordinate the reconstruction efforts, which include the renovation of houses and a school as well as the rehabilitation of vital water infrastructure. The Bashiqa office is the second HIA representation in the region; the other one has been operating in Erbil since 2015.

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Címkék: fundraising - Irak - christian - refugees -

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