Panel discussion on Nobel-winning novelist Imre Kertész

Panel discussion on Nobel-winning novelist Imre Kertész

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Translation: Klara Balicza
Bishop Tamás Fabiny and Rabbi István Darvas were the panellists in the most recent event in a series of conversations named “Table Talks”. They discussed the works of novelist Imre Kertész and the topic of holocaust and remembrance. Bishop Fabiny stressed Kertész’s ability to express the truth about past and present in a gentle yet relentless manner; whereas Rabbi Darvas pointed out the commitment of Kertész to the tradition of paradox in Jewish literature.

Imre Kertész won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2002. His most famous novel is Fatelessness, which describes the experiences of a teenage boy in Nazi concentration camps. 

Read the full story in Hungarian:



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