Sending Service Worship in Fasor

Sending Service Worship in Fasor

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Text: Rachel Ann Eskesen
Budapest – On Wednesday, September 12th, the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) Central Europe volunteers completed their orientation with the Sending Service Event at Fasor Lutheran Church. The YAGM volunteers began their journey in Chicago, USA, with YAGM who would serve with communities all over the world.

After a week of orientation in the United States, they arrived to Budapest on August 23rd and began their in-country orientation at the Betlehem Evangélikus Pihenőház in Bodrogkeresztúr. After almost three weeks of cultural orientation, Bible Studies, worships, conversations and, of course, two weeks of language class in either Hungarian or Serbian, this week they move to their host communities. 

This year, seven YAGM volunteers will serve with in Hungary: 

  • Ana Kondratiev in Piliscsaba
  • Sydney Ewing in Pilis
  • Taylor Walker in Budapest
  • Jonathan Banauch in Szarvas
  • Callie Arendt in Szeged
  • Tabby Sanderson and Tony Yang in Nyíregyháza. 

Three YAGM volunteers will serve in Serbia: 

  • John Baynton in Novi Sad
  • Jessie Hill and Tina Geistfeld in Belgrade. 

We are especially grateful for the welcome they receive from their hosting communities in both Hungary and Serbia!

We commissioned the volunteers with a blessing during our Sending Service Worship and enjoyed a delicious homemade lunch and dessert together with the YAGM and members of their communities. There service will take many forms this year. Just to name a few of the ways YAGM in Central Europe serve with their communities: assisting in classrooms; working in after school programs for Roma young people; singing in choirs; helping to lead English language Bible Studies; working with youth groups; working with the Roma College programs. No matter where they serve, they will all be witness to the ways that God is already active in the communities in which they serve. May God continue to make Godself known in the lives of these YAGM and people with whom they serve. vice

Other pictures of the services on the hungarian webpage.

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